CSR Policies

Corporate social responsibility is vitally important to who we are as a company. Our policies ensure that we rigorously adhere to the highest standards in ethical behavior, environmental sustainability, data security and more.

CSR Committee

Cloud Invest CSR Corporate Committee, a permanent internal body, with executive duties and faculties for providing information, advice and proposals within its action sector, acting in accordance with its established responsibilities, will present an annual report on the degree of progress in compliance with the CSR policy and strategy.

Compliance with International Commitments

Cloud Invest voluntarily adheres to the UN Global Compact, to the United Nations Environment Program Financial Initiative (UNEPFI) and the Principles for Sustainable Insurance, promoted by this initiative.

Compliance with national and international laws and regulations: Cloud Invest voluntary adhere & adopt complementary international rules such as those established by the OECD and International Labor Organization (ILO), wherever there is not a sufficient or appropriate legal framework.

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

Our global Code of Business Conduct and Ethics sets a high standard for behavioral conduct in areas that include workplace health, safety and environment, human rights, harassment and discrimination, conflicts of interest and gifts and entertainment. Every team member is familiarized with the Code during onboarding and encouraged to report all suspected violations using our 24-hour Cloud Invest Alert Line service or by contacting management, Legal or Human Resources.

Corporate Governance

Based on ethics, business transparency and diversity, Cloud Invest respects the rules of the free market and free competition, and rejects any illegal or fraudulent practice contrary to the rules of good governance and to the guidelines of the Code of Ethics and Conduct.


We aim to convey and generate trust and credibility among our stakeholders, by:

  • Diffusing truthful information regarding the Company performance and activities, complying with any legal requirements that may exist regarding public information.

  • Publishing financial and non-financial information following internationally accepted methods, and subjecting them to internal and external verification processes.

Fiscal responsibility

Cloud Invest is committed to pay all tax obligations in accordance with the fiscal legislation in Morocco, as we are aware that the payment of taxes has a direct impact on the financial and social development of the country.

Combating Slavery and Human Trafficking

Cloud Invest is committed to the zero-tolerance policies adopted by the Moroccan and other governments to combat slavery or the trafficking of persons for any purpose. Cloud Invest prohibits trafficking-related activities and we expect our suppliers and contractors to uphold these important principles, as well. Cloud Invest encourages the reporting of any suspected violations through the Cloud Invest Alert Line or other channel, and our policies forbid any form of retaliation for fulfilling this obligation.

Data Security and Privacy

Protecting the privacy of our customers, vendors and employees is critical to our ability to maintain their trust. Cloud Invest fully understands how the risks related to Information Security and Privacy affect our business operations. We take precautions to safeguard sensitive information, to include customer data, in order to ensure a safe and secure online environment. Our Customer Protection Center highlights our online Privacy Policy alongside information on how Cloud Invest protects customer privacy and resources to help customers identify, report and mitigate risks.

Public Policy Engagement

Cloud Invest engages in public policy initiatives that align with our business interests and expertise. In compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, we provide publicly disclosed political contributions and encourage voluntary employee participation through our political action committee.

Environmental Policy

Cloud Invest recognizes that the long-term health of our business is directly connected to the health of the planet and local communities. We remain focused on sourcing environmental solutions that will lessen our footprint, while serving as an example to our peers. As part of our ongoing efforts, Cloud Invest focuses on the following initiatives:

  • Commitment to a continual improvement process in environmental management.

  • Evaluation of environmental impacts of Cloud Invest packaging products, operations and facilities with a commitment to minimize impacts and restore properties affected by our operations.

  • Improvement of employee environmental performance through detailed policies and procedures, training and recognition of excellence.

  • Efficient use of natural resources to minimize waste generation through efforts that include recycling, innovation and prevention of pollution.

  • Measurement of environmental performance by use of a framework to set and review objectives and targets, audit progress, sanction employee accountability and report to senior management and external stakeholders.

  • Integration of environmental responsibilities and considerations into daily operations and business decision-making processes.

  • Participation in the development of sound environmental policy within the transportation and business sectors.

  • Commitment to emergency preparedness and response in order to minimize any potential environmental impacts resulting from day-to-day operations.

  • Use of innovations and technologies to minimize atmospheric emissions and noise.

  • Promotion of effective environmental management by our suppliers and contractors.

  • Compliance with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.

  • The promotion of awareness regarding environmental policies for employees and the public.