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CIPS Enhances Digital Payment Experience with Expanded Options

New digital services

CIPS allows an Institution to implement a digital payment experience for its Customers.

For an Acceptor, it will allow him to accept a large number of service means like: Cash, Bank Account, Card, d-Card, d-Wallet, RFID Tag, Crypto Account…

For an Accountholder, it will allow him to enroll in a digital experience with different ways of making a payment: from the mobile, from the web, on a kiosk, on an OPT or on classic channels (online, POS and ATM).

Web and mobile consoles in the center of Customer relationship

CIPS offers dedicated Web and Mobile consoles to provide customers with convenient access to their partner Institution's various services. Through these consoles, customers can manage their orders, inquire about transactions, handle account management tasks, download statements and invoices, make bill payments, top-up their mobile devices, utilize digital services, inquire about service pricing, exercise usage control, monitor fraud, engage in live chat with hotline support, and enjoy loyalty benefits. These consoles streamline the interaction process, ensuring a seamless and efficient experience for all customers.

Enhanced interactivity with customers

he Institution has implemented CIPS to enhance customer experience by introducing greater interactivity. With CIPS, they can now engage with customers through various channels. They can send push messages on web and mobile applications, deliver SMS notifications, utilize WhatsApp Business for communication, conduct e-mail marketing campaigns, share promotions notifications, and offer live-chat support. These interactive features enable the Institution to effectively manage and cater to the needs of their customers, fostering a seamless and engaging customer experience.